The word casino may make you think of a glamorous place with lavish surroundings and exciting gambling games. While elaborate theme hotels, musical shows and lighted fountains help casinos draw in the crowds, the billions of dollars in profits raked in each year come from games like blackjack, roulette, poker and craps. The following article will look at some of the history behind the term and some of the different types of gambling establishments you can visit.
How do casinos entice people to gamble? The word “casino” derives from the Italian for “a small clubhouse.” While there are many differences between modern and old casinos, most have been designed around noise, light, and excitement. For instance, gambling tables are generally crowded together and patrons often shout encouragement to one another or to the dealer. Alcoholic beverages are readily available and delivered to players by waiters who circulate the room. Nonalcoholic drinks and snacks are also offered.
Casinos provide customers with a variety of perks in order to encourage them to spend more money gambling. These rewards are known as comps and can include free hotel rooms, meals, show tickets or even limo service. While comps were once commonplace in Las Vegas, they are now found at a variety of locations across the United States. In addition to comps, casinos offer a variety of security measures including surveillance cameras and security personnel. The security measures are especially important because of the large amount of money that is dealt with inside a casino. Both patrons and employees may be tempted to cheat or steal, either in collusion with one another or independently.