The Basics of Poker


Poker is a card game. The goal of the game is to have the best hand, or “high hand”, and continue betting until everyone in the hand has folded. Ultimately, the person with the highest hand wins the pot. The pot is all of the money that was bet during the hand. If there is a draw, the pot is split evenly among all players.

Two cards of equal rank are called a pair. If more than one person has a pair of cards, the higher card wins. The other two cards in the hand must be different ranks. In this way, a pair of two jacks, two aces, and a pair of sevens can win.

Before starting to play poker, you should understand how the game works. A good guide is What Beats What in Poker. This book will help you understand how the game works and how to make the best decision. It is also a good idea to watch other people play to learn how to react quickly. While watching others, try to imagine how you would react in their situation. If your reaction is different from the one they used, you should figure out a way to improve your strategy.

There are many different types of poker games. Usually, the game starts with a round of betting. In some games, the game starts with a small bet. In the next betting round, the maximum bet is increased to a big bet. The game is “capped” after three raises. This means that if a player has three raises, the next player can only call. After that, each player is allowed to discard up to three cards or keep them. If fewer than three cards remain, replacement cards will be drawn.

